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What to expect

If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a while-and that’s fine with us!


We’re comfortable and casual. All are welcome, come as you are. Grab a cup of coffee or tea at the Welcome Center on your way in! Choose from a variety of flavors, and take your cup into the service with you.


Arrows are fascinating. They tell us where to go. They give us direction in life. They’re critical in helping us not get lost and they indicate movement. We began to wonder if Arrows could give us helpful language to talk about our spiritual journey, so we’ve created and adopted some here at Inspire. We believe focusing on these Arrows can help us have a robust spiritual life, no matter where we are on our journey. These Arrows can be focused on individually, and they’re also interconnected with each other.







Which Arrow(s) do you believe God wants you to pursue in this season?


Get Inspired

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God is everywhere. 


He’s in the big things and He’s in the small things. But sometimes our decisions or busyness our distractions cause us to miss seeing Him.  


When we Discover God, we see the world in a different way. We see ourselves in a different way. We see others in a different way. 


When we look for God, we’ll find Him everywhere.

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A stalled spiritual life is a dangerous spiritual life.


Apathy gets in the way of moving forward. Jesus calls us to grow and mature. Sometimes that’s hard and feels like we’re trudging uphill.


That means we have to be intentional about disciplines that cause us to forge ahead, both individually and communally.


If we have a mindset of growth, we’ll grow.

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We were never meant to do life alone. 

We were created as communal beings. Some of us have given into the lie that our spiritual growth is strictly individual, but we need to journey together.

Followers of Jesus committed to growth know this truth and surround themselves with others. 

We learn from others. We share with others. We teach others. We laugh with others. We cry with others. We put others first. Is it scary? Sure. This requires vulnerability. This requires selflessness. But the outcome of a life with others is beautiful.

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Roots keep us grounded.


Roots give us a firm foundation when life tries to toss us around. Roots connect us. Roots allow us to stand strong. 

When roots grow, faith deepens. When roots grow, we grow. The struggles that once caused us to uproot no longer seems as strong. Roots cause us to wrap around others and form bonds in ways that can’t be seen. 


Roots allow us to see God when it’s hard to see God.


Pressing through difficult times creates resilience. And a resilient faith reminds us there’s always an option with Jesus. Because Jesus is all around us, we’re never alone in our darkest times.


Resilience makes grief manageable. Resilience allows us to grow in times of crisis. Resilience allows us to see the path of God and know there’s a way out. Resilience allows us to build a secure scaffolding for our faith that will hold us up when life seems unbearable. Resilience sustains our purpose and identity in Jesus when life wants to take those things from us.

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God is clear that real disciples are those who make disciples. Everyone’s welcome in the Kingdom of God. Everyone! 


It’s our responsibility to help point people toward Jesus. It’s not our job to transform a person. That’s God’s job. But it is our mandate to walk with people and share the love of Jesus with them.


When we all do this, we multiply.

Inspire is part of a growing denomination called the Wesleyan Church.
For more information, as well as our beliefs and doctrine, click one of the buttons below.
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